Workout Guides - Sumo Squat
Black (X-Heavy)
1. Sumo Squats
- Place band just above your knees.
- Stand up with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Your toes should be pointing outwards. This is your starting position.
- Bend your knees, press your hips back and stop lowering yourself once your hip is slightly lower than your knees.
- Slowly return to the starting position for 1 rep.
- Do 12 reps.
Tip: Ensure that your back is in alignment while squatting by keeping your chest up and hips back. Do not let your knees extend beyond your toes.
Primary muscles: Glutes, Hip flexors, Quads
Secondary muscles: Abs, Calves, Hamstrings, Lower back
Beginners are recommended to start with the Light Green band (lowest resistance).